Yeager, D.S., Seo, E., O’Brien, J., Lee, H.Y., Jamieson, J.P., Beevers, C., Reis, H.T., Josephs, B, & Murray, J. (accepted). A “Heterogeneity Replication” Examines Where and For Whom a Scalable Psychological Intervention Prevents Internalizing Symptoms During Adolescence. Child Development, registered report (Stage 1).​
Jamieson, J.P., Black, A., Pelaia, L., Gravelding, H., Gordils, J., & Reis, H.T. (2022). Reappraising stress arousal improves affective, neuroendocrine, and academic performance outcomes in community college classrooms. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 151, 197.
Seo, E., Lee, H.Y., Jamieson, J.P., Reis, H.T., Josephs, R.A., Beevers, C.G., & Yeager, D.S. (2022). Trait attributions and threat appraisals explain the relation between implicit theories of personality and internalizing symptoms during adolescence. Development & Psychopathology, 34, 1104-1114.
Yeager, D.S., Bryan, C.J., Gross, J.J., Murray, J., Krettek, D., Santos, P., Gravelding, H., Johnson, M., & Jamieson, J.P. (2022). A synergistic mindsets intervention protects adolescents from stress. Nature.
Girme, Y.U., Peters, B.J., Baker, L.R., Overall, N.C., Fletcher, G.J.O, Reis, H.T., Jamieson, J.P., & Sigal, M.J. (2021). Attachment anxiety and the curvilinear effects of expressive suppression on individuals’ and partners’ outcomes. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology.
Gordils, J. Elliot, A.J., & Jamieson, J.P. (2021). The effects of perceived interracial competition on psychological outcomes. PLOS One, 16, e0245671.
Gordils, J., Elliot, A.J., *Toprakkiran, A.S., & Jamieson, J.P. (2021). The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on intergroup competition and negative intergroup outcomes. Journal of Social Psychology, 161, 419-434.
Gordils, J., & Jamieson, J.P. (2021). Fast Foes: The physiological and behavioral consequences of interacting in an immersive negative social context. Anxiety Stress & Coping, 34, 320-334.
Jamieson, J.P., Black, A., Pelaia, L., & Reis, H.T. (2021). The impact of mathematics anxiety on stress appraisals, neuroendocrine responses, and academic performance in a community college sample. Journal of Educational Psychology, 113, 1164-1176.
Crum, A.J., Jamieson, J.P., & Akinola, M. (2020). Optimizing stress: An integrated intervention for regulating stress responses. Emotion, 20, 120-125.
Gordils, J., Elliot, A.J., Sommet, N., & Jamieson, J.P. (2020). Racial income inequality promotes perceptions of competition and predicts negative interracial outcomes. Social Psychological & Personality Science, 11, 74-87.
Gresham, A.M., Tudder, A.T., Peters, B.J., Reis, H.T., & Jamieson, J.P. (2020). Understanding relationship dominance from an interpersonal perspective: Physiological and behavioral consequences of restrictiveness in romantic relationships. Psychosomatic Medicine, 82, A71.
Joel, S., Eastwick, P. W., Allison, C., Arriaga, X. B., Baker, Z. G., Bar-Kalifa, E., Bergeron, S., Brock, B., Brumbaugh, C. C., Carmichael, C. L., Chen, S., Clarke, J., Cobb, R. J., Coolsen, M. K., Davis, J., de Jong, D. C., Debrot, A., Derrick, J. L., Eller, J., Estrada, M. J., Faure, R., Finkel, E. J., Fraley, R. C., Gable, S. L., Gadassi, R., Girme, Y. U., Gordon, A. M., Gosnell, C., Hammond, M. D., Hannon, P. A., Harasymchuk, C., Horn, A. B., Impett, E. A., Jamieson, J. P., Kim, J., Kirchner, J. L., Klewer, E., Kuile T., Kumashiro, M., Larson, G., Lazarus, G., Logan, J. M., Luchies, L., MacDonald, G., Maniaci, M. R., Maxwell, J. A., Mizrahi, M., Molloy, P. R., Muise, A., Niehuis, S., Ogolsky, B. G., Oldham, C. R., Overall, N. C., Perrez, M., *Peters, B., Pietromonaco, P. R., Powers, S. I., Prok, T., Pschedetzky-Schochat, R., Rafaeli, E., Reblin, M., Reifman, A., Reiherts, M., Reis, H., Rhoades, G., Rholes, S., Righetti, F., Rodriguez, L., Rogge, R., Rosen, N., Saxbe, D., Sened, H., Simpson, J., Slotter, E. B., Stanley, S., Stocker, S., Surra, C., VanderDrift, L., Vaughn, A., Vicary, A., Visserman, M., & Wolf, S. (2020). Machine Learning Uncovers the Most Robust Predictors of Relationship Quality Across 43 Longitudinal Couples Studies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(32), 19061-19071.
Lee, H.Y., Jamieson, J.P., Reis, H.T., Beevers, C.G., Josephs, R.A., Mullarkey, M., O’Brien, J., & Yeager, D.S. (2020). Getting fewer “Likes” than others on social media elicits emotional distress among victimized adolescents. Child Development, 91(6), 2141-2159.
Oveis, C., Gu, Y., Ocampo, J.M., *Hangen, E.J., & Jamieson, J.P. (2020). Emotion regulation contagion: Stress reappraisal promotes challenge responses in teammates. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 149, 2187-2205.
Tudder, A.T., Gresham, A., *Peters, B. J., Reis, H. T., & Jamieson, J. P. (2020). The effects of dispositional restrictiveness on physiological markers of challenge and threat during a hypothetical transitional period in romantic relationships. Psychophysiology, 57(10), e13624.
Hangen, E.J., Elliot, A.J., & Jamieson, J.P. (2019). Lay conceptions of norm-based approach and avoidance motivation: Implications for the performance-approach and performance-avoidance goal relation. Journal of Personality, 87, 737-749.
Hangen, E.J., Elliot, A.J., & Jamieson, J.P. (2019). Stress reappraisal during a mathematics competition: testing effects on cardiovascular approach-oriented states and exploring the moderating role of gender. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 32, 95-108.
Hangen, E.J., Elliot, A.J., & Jamieson, J.P. (2019). Highlighting the difference between approach and avoidance motivation enhances the predictive validity of performance-avoidance goal reports. Motivation and Emotion, 43, 387-399.
Keith, J.M., Jamieson, J.P., & Bennetto, L. (2019). The importance of adolescent self-report in autism research: Integration of questionnaire and autonomic measures. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 47, 741-754.
Keith, J.M., Jamieson, J.P., & Bennetto, L. (2019). The influence of noise on autonomic arousal and cognitive performance in autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49, 113-126.
Lee, H.Y., Jamieson, J.P., Miu, A.S., Josephs, R.A., & Yeager, D.S. (2019). An entity theory of intelligence predicts higher cortisol levels when grades are declining. Child Development, 90, 849-867.
Peters, B.J., Overall, N.C., Girme, Y., & Jamieson, J.P. (2019). Partners’ attachment insecurity predicts greater physiological threat in anticipation of attachment-relevant interactions. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 36, 469-489.
Sommet, N., Elliot, A.J., Jamieson, J.P., & Butera, F. (2019). Income inequality, perceived competitiveness, and approach-avoidance motivation. Journal of Personality, 87, 767-784.
Jamieson, J.P., Crum, A.J., Goyer, J.P., Marotta, M.E., & Akinola, M. (2018). Optimizing stress responses: An integrated model. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 31, 245-261.
Jamieson, J.P., Hangen, E.J., Lee, H.Y., & Yeager, D.S. (2018). Capitalizing on appraisal processes to improve stress responses. Emotion Review, 10, 30-39.
Jamieson, J.P., Hangen, E.J., Lee, H.Y., & Yeager, D.S. (2018). Author reply: Arousal reappraisal as an affect regulation strategy. Emotion Review, 10, 74-76.
Peters, B.J., Reis, H.T., & Jamieson, J.P. (2018). Cardiovascular indexes of threat impair responsiveness in situations of conflicting interests. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 123, 1-7.
Peters, B.J., Roche, J.M., & Jamieson, J.P. (2018). The effects of expressive suppression on language planning and production. Speech Communication. ​
Jamieson, J.P., Greenwood, E.J., Lee, H.Y., & Yeager, D.S. (under review). Capitalizing on appraisal processes to improve stress responses. Emotion Review.
Peters, B.J., Overall, N.C., Girme, Y.U., & Jamieson, J.P. (under review). Partners’ attachment insecurity predicts greater physiological threat in anticipation of attachment-relevant interactions. Personal Relationships.
Peters, B.J., Hammond, M.D., Reis, H.T., & Jamieson, J.P. (2016). The consequences of having a dominant romantic partner on testosterone responses during a social interaction. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 74, 308-315.
Hangen, E.J., Elliot, A.E., & Jamieson, J.P. (2016). The opposing processes model of competition: Elucidating effects of competition on risk-taking. Motivation Science 2 (3), 157.
Peters, B.J. & Jamieson, J.P. (2016). The consequences of emotion suppression in romantic relationships: A challenge and threat perspective. Emotion
Jamieson, J.P., Peters, B.J., Greenwood, E.J., & Altose, A. (2016). Reappraising stress arousal improves performance and reduces evaluation anxiety in classroom exam situations. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 1-9.
Jamieson, J.P., & Mendes, W.B. (2016). Social stress facilitates risk in youths. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 145, 467-485.
Jamieson, J.P. (2016). Challenge and threat appraisals. In Handbook of Competence and Motivation (2nd Edition): Theory and Application.
Yeager, D.S., Lee, H.Y, & Jamieson, J.P. (2016). Integrating implicit theories of personality and the biopsychosocial model of challenge and threat to improve adolescents’ stress responses. Psychological Science.
Franklin, J., Jamieson, J.P., Glenn, C., & Nock, M.K. (2015). How developmental psychopathology theory and research can inform the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) project. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 44, 280-290.
Beltzer, M.L., Nock, M.K., Peters, B.J., & Jamieson, J.P. (2014). Rethinking butterflies: The affective, physiological, and performance effects of reappraising arousal during social evaluation. Emotion, 14, 761-768.
Jamieson, J.P., Valdesolo, P., & Peters, B.J., (2014). Sympathy for the devil? The physiological and psychological effects of being an agent (and target) of dissent during intragroup conflict. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 55, 221-227.
Peters, B.J., Overall, N.C., & Jamieson, J.P. (2014). Physiological and cognitive consequences of suppressing and expressing emotion in dyadic interactions. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 94, 100-107.
Seitchick, A., Jamieson, J.P., & Harkins, S.G. (2014). Reading between the lines: Subtle stereotype threat cues can motivate performance. Social Influence, 9, 52-68.
Jamieson, J.P., Koslov, K.R., Nock, M.K., & Mendes, W.B. (2013). Experiencing discrimination increases risk taking. Psychological Science, 24, 131-139.
Jamieson, J.P., Mendes, W.B., & Nock, M.K. (2013). Improving acute stress responses: The power of reappraisal. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 22, 51-56.
Jamieson, J.P., Nock, M.K., & Mendes, W.B. (2013). Changing the conceptualization of stress in social anxiety disorder: Affective and physiological consequences. Clinical Psychological Science, 1, 363-374.
Jamieson, J.P., & Harkins, S.G. (2012). Distinguishing between the effects of stereotype priming and stereotype threat on performance. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 15, 291-304.
Jamieson, J.P., Nock, M.K., & Mendes, W.B. (2012). Mind over matter: Reappraising arousal improves cardiovascular and cognitive responses to stress. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 141, 417-422.
Jamieson, J.P., & Harkins, S.G. (2011). The intervening task method: Implications for measuring mediation. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin, 37, 352-361.
Mendes, W.B. & Jamieson, J.P. (2011). Embodiment of stereotype threat: Physiological underpinnings of performance decrements. In: M. Inzlicht & T. Schmader (Eds). Stereotype Threat: Theory, Process, & Application. New York: Oxford.
Jamieson, J.P. (2010). The home field advantage in athletics: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 40, 119-148.
Jamieson, J.P., Harkins, S.G., & Williams, K.D. (2010). Need threat can motivate performance after ostracism. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin, 36, 690-702.
Jamieson, J.P. & Harkins, S.G. (2010). Evaluation is necessary to produce stereotype threat performance effects. Social Influence, 5, 75-86.
Jamieson, J.P., Mendes, W.B., Blackstock, E., & Schmader, T. (2010). Turning the knots in your stomach into bows: Reappraising arousal improves performance on the GRE. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 46, 208-212.
Jamieson, J.P., & Harkins, S.G. (2009). The effect of stereotype threat on quantitative GRE problems: A mere effort interpretation. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin, 35, 1301-1314.
McFall, S.R., Jamieson, J.P., & Harkins, S.G. (2009). Testing the mere effort account of the evaluation performance relationship. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 96, 135-154.
Estow, S., Jamieson, J.P., & Yates, J.R. (2007). Self-monitoring and mimicry of positive and negative social behaviors. Journal of Research in Personality, 41, 425-433.
Jamieson, J.P., & Harkins, S.G. (2007). Mere effort and stereotype threat performance effects. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 93, 544-564.